Sunday, February 15, 2009

Barrack O'Bollywood hahaha

Wow, so the past couple of weeks have been crazy! Just, due date after due date. School still manages to be fun though, somehow. So, I went to see Slumdog Millionaire for the second time, and it was great, then I got assigned the craziest role ever for theatre (woot, Othello!), and it's a murder scene too. Then, debates in Geography, the list goes on.
So, this weekend I went to see the Vagina Monologues performed at UTEP, and it was fantastic, got a t-shirt and two buttons. PUSSIES UNITE! Haha, then the next night I went to see The Last Five Years performed at Center Stage, and it was amazing as well. Extremely sad, too. 
This weekend is Bellydance Superstars and the Oscars! I can't wait to see what dancers are gonna be here! And I'm so excited to see what awards Slumdog is gonna get! So many nominations! 
Speaking of the Oscars, hopefully *fingers crossed* M.I.A. will be performing O...Saya and Jai Ho with A.R. Rahman at them. That is, if she's recovered by then. If you haven't heard yet, M.I.A. gave birth to her healthy baby boy this Wednesday. I'd like to give a big congrats to her, and I wish her and her son the best! If all goes well the new momma will be able to perform (nothing stopped her at the Grammys- on her due date) but who knows, only time will tell.
Also! This Tuesday, HSM3 comes out on DVD! I'm going to be buying it that day, for sure! and after this weekend, my Friday night UTEP movie tradition starts up again! I can't wait, there'll be some good ones this year, so far I know we're going to see, Towelhead, Milk, Doubt, Gonzo, and Choke. My life can truly be called eventful now!

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