Friday, August 29, 2008

First week o' school

School has been a lot better than I expected. I love all of my classes, especially on silver days. Theatre is awesome and so is French, I'm so glad I dropped orchestra. Also, my Geometry class is great. I hate math, but in the last two years I've ended up with really cool teachers and I'm really lucky for that, otherwise I'd be miserable.
So basically that's been school, nothing too interesting but I've enjoyed myself. Oh, today we had the most retarded assembly ever. There were men in halter tops, end of story.
After school me and Cassadie went to Barnes & Noble and read monologues in the corner and used a stuffed dragon and unicorn to act out the balcony scene of Romeo and Juliet. It was great. And Cassadie got her ukulele today. She's happy about that. Now she can serenade people on the street while she rollerblades in fairy wings. Bonus! hahaha.
ok, that's all.

au revoir!

1 comment:

...... said...

You need to see my mad uke skillz biotch.