Thursday, July 10, 2008

Ahhh life!

So, this week has been fairly uneventful, basically due to the weather. I mean, it would be pretty foolish to go out this week considering flash flood(basically one or two inches of water "oh dear!") warnings which mean everyone on the road is FREAKED because this is the desert and obviously no one's ever seen rain before. Eh, whatever.

Day after tomorrow I leave for California! Although I won't get there until the day after the day after tomorrow because I'll be spending the night in Arizona. But hey, I'm out of El Paso regardless! Luckily, my father will have his laptop meaning I'll be able to update this blog for all you readers! (Number of Readers: at most, maybe 2). Hopefully my ever wonderful friends will at least get on to see pictures of my first ever adventure to Disneyland (they better, if they want presents)!

Well, that's about all I have to say, I'll be back on the 19th? Well, I'll be back when I'm back. I should really be getting done packing.

au revoir!


Rubi<3 said...

sweet dudester
we both leave from this fucking piss hole
have a ser gut experience at cali (ser gut...very good in german)

Anonymous said...

omg dude i LOVE the way you write!
its so could sriously be like an author and shit...i'll try and stay updated..its jst i keep forgetting that you have this blog instead of the one on myspace..
hope the "rain" wasnt "terrible"