Friday, July 11, 2008

Degrassi, California, and grandparents (?) oh my!

In just hours I will finally be on my way to California! I'm really excited, and of course I packed way too much! I can't wait.

Tonight was premiere of the new season of Degrassi, and I was fairly disappointed the episode featuring Ellie and Marco making out on Marco's bed did not air as one of the first two episodes. Instead (spoiler alert!) we saw Jimmy blackmail his father into letting him get stem cell surgery after catching him with an office secretary and Mia get busted by the police with her 3 year old daughter at a booze driven party (well that kid sure isn't gonna be fucked up!). All in all there wasn't much of a shock factor brought upon by the first two shows, but hopefully there's something better yet to come.

My grandparents are over right now, trying to figure out our alarm system since they'll be house sitting this week and it's rather comical. I really hope they don't kill our dogs.

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