Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Tomorrow, tomorrow! I love ya! Tomorrow!

Finally! Second semester starts tomorrow! I'm so excited, I get to experience social interaction again!
So for the past couple of days I've been: avoiding my science fair project, watching That 70s Show religiously, bumming around with my sister and pets, and singing. A lot. It's been extremely boring, just because I got into this weird routine of waking up around 9, staring at my work, then eating and watching TV all day and feeling guilty about ignoring my homework. School is a beacon of hope for me.
Today I actually got to get out of the house, Carly and I went to belly dancing. Oh my gosh, I hadn't danced in weeks and I already know I'll be sore tomorrow. But it was definitely worth it, I love dancing, complete stress release. 
Then we came home and I watched High School Musical for the fifty billionth time. She wanted to watch it to calm her nerves about school, since it starts with them returning from winter vacation. Ahh, I love that movie. It just makes you happy.
And, here I am now. I need to go to bed so I'm not a zombie the first day back. That would be bad. Well, toodles!

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