Saturday, December 20, 2008


Today was fabulous! At first I felt really sick and crappy but now I'm doing much better. I got a haircut today, and I love it! I have bangs again!
After my haircut, I went with Arlette to the Hal Marcus art studio to see a performance by the Shimmy Sisters, it was great. After the show, we went around to see the different vendors and saw our belly dance instructor. I also bought a pair of earrings and a tape measurer bracelet, they're both so cute! All the people there were awesome too. A portrait painter there introduced himself to me and told me I had an amazing face, but I didn't get to exchange numbers because it was during the performance and people were passing by like crazy. Then Arlette and I got our pictures taken for the newspaper. And oh my god, I LOVE Laileinia's husband! He's in the band that does the Shimmy Sisters' music and not only is he adorable, he's also freakin' hilarious and awesome! When I was buying my earrings from him I asked how much they were and he's like, "How much do you wanna pay?" So I'm like, "Uhh... five dollars?!" "Sure! They're yours!" It was great and he was just talking to us telling us we all get a
 discount because we belly dance. The whole lot of people there was just so cool, it was like artist heaven! I loved it.

my bracelet
my earrings!

Oh, and today I found the video of my father dancing with the Shimmy Sisters on youtube, it's hilarious, enjoy! My dad is the first guy they bring on stage, the one who looks like a dork haha. My belly dance instructor is also featured in the video as well as all of the girls who participated in the Arabian Nights show at UTEP. Yay, Karisha!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMFG YOUR DAD LOOKS HILARIOUS!! it looked really funny when he was shimmying and when he had his hand on his belly and his other hand on the back of his head. Gosh i love your family they're freaking hilarios