I need something to do. This is boring.
Have you ever realized how weird it is that we all talk to our selves inside our head. It's like earlier when I was thinking about what tests I have tomorrow in class I asked my self, "Geography? Biology? Math?" and some other little voice replied, "Yes, Casey, you have a Geography and Biology quiz, but no exams in Math!" I think it's really cool how that works out. I need to train myself to converse with that little head v
oice when I get bored, I guess I already do it subconsciously but I want to experiment.
Okay, I just re-read that paragraph and I sound like a total schizo. Well, whatever, nothing new there.
Oh! I just remembered! I watched Leatherheads for the first time today!
Yay! It was so good. In case you don't know the story, it's set in 1925 when pro football was just starting out. George Clooney plays an older team member of the Bulldogs, one of the top pro teams all because of the fact that football had no set rules. John Krasinski is an all star college football player who is also a supposed "war hero." Renee Zellweger plays a reporter trying to get the real scoop on what happened to Carter (Krasinski) during the war. On the way Lexie (Zellweger) meets Dodge (Clooney) who is trying to get a break for his team from Carter's manager after their sponsorship fell through. Eventually Carter ends up playing for the Bulldogs and brings in big bucks for them, and I won't go on any further because I'll spoil the movie.
I loved it, though, not only because of George Clooney's sexiness, but because of the time period and the personality of the characters. The story was actually very believable and the story line was altogether enjoyable. Go rent it.
au revoir
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